Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yarn Along: Elf Slippers

I finally wore through the first pair of felted slippers that I made when I first learned how to knit, which meant that I could finally cast on a pair of Elf Slippers for myself!  I made a quite small pair last year coughthatstillneedstobefeltedcough and ever since have been planning on making a pair for myself.  I've been working on these off and on since the beginning of the year, but once I started my new job in January, I really didn't have much brain power left at the end of the day to even knit.  Now that I've been there for over a month now, and I finished the black cowl that I decided to make after I started the slippers, I suddenly have both the brain power and the time to finishing these up!

Tonight I was able to finish knitting the second slipper and all I have left to do is the top flap on both slippers.  By this time next week, hopefully I'll have a lovely pair of felted slippers to show.  Granted, my weekend will be taken up by this craziness.  We'll see how much knitting time I'll actually end up with this next seven days.

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